A Matter of Time

Then Jesus said to the tree, ‘May no one ever eat your fruit again!’ And the disciples heard Him say it.
— MARK 11:14 (NLT)

In today’s scripture Jesus was leaving Bethany with His disciples when He became hungry. He came across a fig tree, but Jesus could not find any figs to eat from it. Jesus cursed that tree and His disciples heard Him, but the tree didn’t die right then and there. They’d seen Jesus speak miracles before and the miracles always happened immediately. I imagine the disciples wondered if Jesus may have lost His touch. The next day, they passed by the same fig tree, except this time Peter noticed it was dead! Jesus replied to the disciples saying, “Have faith in God.”

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When you speak the word of God over your life, be sure to have faith. The blessings you speak to your suffering, obstacles and situations may not become evident right away, but God’s word never returns to Him void. And when you use God’s words, they will not return to you void either. You may not be as financially comfortable as you’d like, but speak to your status using God’s word. You may not feel as healthy as you did ten years ago, but tell your circumstances they are temporary. As you speak these blessings, have faith and walk in them knowing it’s already done and it’s only a matter of time before you see it.

You’re blessed!

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Heavenly Father, today I choose to speak Your words over my life and to my situations. I am blessed because Your word does not return to You void. There is power in Your word and therefore power in me through You.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer