No Reply

But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge—to the great amazement of the governor.
— MATTHEW 27:14 (NIV)

The only person who walked this earth and lived a perfect life was Jesus. He lived as God purposed and did as the Lord commanded even unto death. And even though He was without sin, Jesus suffered at the hands of those who falsely accused Him. They lied on Him. They called Him names. They humiliated Him. They inflicted great pain on Him. But when given the opportunity to address those responsible for these dastardly deeds, He gave no reply.

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Jesus never said a mumbling word. Why? Because He knew a few things. He knew His suffering was temporary, He knew God’s plan for His life, and He knew no one had power over Him unless the Father gave it. Knowing these few things will help you put life into perspective. You don’t have to reply when people lie on you or call you out of your name. You know who God says you are! You don’t have to reply when people cause you to suffer or humiliate you. You know God is in control and will fight for you. When they go low, you go high. You don’t have to reply. Use that same energy to speak life into your situation and amaze everyone around you through your faith and walk with Christ.  

Silence is golden

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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your example. I don’t have to reply to everything or everyone that rises up against me in judgment. You are in control of my situation and I am in control of my tongue. I choose to speak life! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer