“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
Jesus provided many examples of how we should live. One of His greatest examples was by His love for us. The love of Christ is filled with so much! It’s unconditional. It’s kind. It’s just, unselfish, sacrificial, forgiving, faithful and so much more. Because of His love for us, He laid down His life so that we may have life in Him. This kind of love is missing from the world today and the only way for it to return is for believers to try love.
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Today, look for ways to love one another as Jesus has loved you. Go out of your way to be kind to someone. Put aside your personal agenda to help someone succeed in theirs. The grudge you’ve been holding on to since your high school prom – let it go – and reach out to that person and say, “I forgive you.” When you try love today, it will become infectious and your random act of love will spread. You may not witness it personally, but remember God’s Word does not come back void. Keep spreading the love of Christ and filling the void. Make the choice to try love today and change the world one unselfish act at a time.
No greater love
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“Heavenly Father, I choose today to love others as You have loved me. Thank You for Your example and Your strength that empowers me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”