“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”
What’s on your mind today? Are you worrying about paying your bills? Are you worrying if your child is going to listen to your godly advice once out on their own? Did the doctor give you some news you hope was a result of medical charts mistakenly being mixed up? There’s a lot going on in our lives every single day. It’s definitely OK to think about these things, but as believers, we must remember not to give place to worry or stress.
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You have a God that wants you to have all the things you need for a great life. You don’t have to worry or stress over situations that you have little to no control over. Jesus wants to give you everything you need – freely! Through your obedience and petitions through prayer, God is able to bless you exceedingly abundantly beyond all you can ask or think. When you find yourself worrying about what’s going to happen next or stressing about how you’re going to come out on top of a situation, turn your thoughts toward the almighty God you serve that wants to freely give you all the things you need.
Seek Him first
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for give me Your Son, Jesus. I choose not to worry or stress over situations in my life and to remember that You love me and will freely give me all the things that I need for a great life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”