“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”
There’s a lot we can praise God for. He has done so much for us! One thing in particular He is worthy to be praised for is the fact that He is a God of a second chance. Can we count how many times He has picked us up, dusted us off and given us another opportunity? And even when we yet again botch that opportunity, the Lord is still right there extending His hands of grace and mercy to pick us up and deliver us from evil.
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You may not be where you want to be in life today, but you’re not where you were yesterday either. You’re one day closer to achieving what Christ has designed for your life. God wants you to succeed. He wants you to live a great life. This is why time after time He continues to lift you out of the slimy pits you may have created or deliver you from the mud your enemies sling or the mire of this world. Not only does He lift you up, but He also gets you out by setting your feet on a rock so you will have a firm place to stand and achieve great success in life. If you didn’t get it right yesterday, learn from it, but leave it in yesterday. Jesus wants to bring you one day closer to your destiny. Let Him.
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for once again lifting me out of the slimy pit, mud and mire. I will take my stance, firm, on the rock You have provided and achieve my destiny in You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”