“I love you, LORD, my strength.”
As a people, we over complicate things at times. We can muddy things up by doing extra or saying too much that often causes us to miss the mark. We buy our significant others expensive trinkets when they’d just like to spend quality time with us. We think something is tragically wrong with our kids when all they need is talk to us. Sometimes, we have to strip away all the technology, fancy books and thousand dollar words and keep it simple. It’s often the best method for getting the best results.
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Likewise, God isn’t impressed with how many holy catch phrases you know or how many tongues you speak in. God wants to know you love Him and the best way to do that is to simply tell Him. “I love you, Lord, my strength.” You don’t have to always pray for forty-six minutes. You don’t have to wait until Sunday morning. You don’t have to speak in the King James Version of the bible for Jesus to hear you. Today, try speaking from your heart to the Lord. Tell Him who He is to you. Tell Him what you need or how you feel. People often wonder how can you pray without ceasing? I believe keeping it simple like this is a way. Plus, you’ll be surprised to see how far a simple “Thank You, Jesus!” or “Help me, Lord!” will go.
Tell Him all day long
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“Heavenly Father, I love You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”