Lack No Good Thing

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him. Fear the LORD, you His holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.
— PSALM 34:8 – 10 (NIV)

You are God’s highest priority. He’s mindful of you and everything you need. The Lord is waiting to release His blessings upon you. He has favor stored for you that will overtake you. To receive this abundant life, you only need to take refuge in Him, fear Him and seek Him. And once you commit to this lifestyle, God promises you will lack no good thing.

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If you should find yourself lacking good things in life, don’t fret. We all have moments where we forget to rely on God’s power and not our own strength. It’s never too late to repent for that and take refuge in God. He wants to protect you and be your covering. When you remember to take refuge in Him, the fear of the Lord will consume your spirit through reverence, praise and adoration. And with your spirit full of reverence, praise and adoration for God, you will seek Him more. You will want to enter prayers of thanksgiving, commune through praise and worship, and see His face. Start today by giving yourself away to God. Remove “you” from the equation. Take refuge in Him, fear Him and continue to seek Him and you will lack no good thing.

Taste and see for yourself


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Heavenly Father, I have tasted and seen that You are good. I take my refuge in You. I am You holy people and fear You. I will continue to seek You daily as I live life lacking no good thing.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer