“‘Do you see all these great buildings?’ replied Jesus. ‘Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.’”
As many of you know, my mother is very, very busy in her community. Every other day, someone is trying to give her an award or some form of accolades for her service to the city. The Mayor’s Office. The FBI. Various national organizations. You name it. Every once in a while, she will forward an email to me from one of these groups asking me what I thought and I would share my opinion of the group after doing a little research. I recall one time telling her a particular invitation was a really good honor, but she turned it down because the time of the ceremony would take her away from work in the community.
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Like my mother, many of us have had the opportunity to accept awards or have our names scribed into buildings, and all that is nice, but those things are temporary. Only what is done for Christ will last. What will be left behind when those awards rust and the buildings are torn down? What will be left behind for others to remember of you? Can I make a suggestion? Leave behind the love of Christ. Leave behind a smile that helps someone through their pain. Leave behind a life lesson that will never expire. Leave behind a listening ear when no one else would give the time. I’m not suggesting you turn down awards or the honor others want to bestow upon you. I’m just saying to think about what will be left behind after all is said and done.
Make it last
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“Heavenly Father, I want Your award of life. I will commit to do things for You that will last and not for the applause of people. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”