“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”
Isn’t it amazing how scripture can speak differently in your life at different times of your life? You can know a scripture by heart from the Easter play you were in as a child, but now, it means something totally different. Take today’s scripture from “The Love Chapter” for instance. When reading this, I accepted it from the standpoint of “I have love from a lot of people, so I’m OK.” I don’t have to worry about being a resounding gong, a clanging cymbal, or being the equivalent to nothing, but I read it at church this Sunday and it took on a whole other meaning.
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The “…do not have love” part wasn’t about me receiving love. It’s about if I do not have love “to give!” I could be popular and loved by many! I could be able to speak in the tongues of men and angels. I could be a genius, gifted, and be able to move mountains, but if I do not have love to forgive people who’ve hurt me, I am nothing. If I do not have love for people outside my family or friends, I am only a resounding gong. If I do not have love to share my time, money or resources with those in need, I am a clanging cymbal. It’s not about if I am loved, but do I have love to give. So, as I challenge myself to think and do differently today, I encourage you to do the same and ask yourself do you have love?
God is love
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“Heavenly Father, You are love and without love, I am nothing. Today, I choose to have love for others just as You love me. Thank you for the example. Thank You for Your word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”