“The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, ‘Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!’”
Who’s trying to hold you back today? Who in your circle does not want to see you do better, be better or get better? Whether you know it or not, there’s someone always secretly (or maybe not so secretly) praying for your downfall, trying to hold you back and doesn’t want you to succeed. I don’t know why these people refuse to get their own business, but regrettably so, these kind of people exist all around us. And you know what? That’s OK, because they can’t stop you – a child of God – from getting what Jesus has for you.
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While your critics and haters are praying for your downfall, you keep praying to Christ. Don’t lose focus of your mission and don’t take your eyes off of Christ. If the voices against you become overbearing or the enemy’s actions become more prevalent, shout louder to the Lord. He will silence those trying to silence you and hear your voice. God will hear your prayer and deliver you from the hand of your enemy. If you want your blessing, stop paying attention to those trying to hold you down. Shout louder! If you want your breakthrough, shout louder! If you’re ready for your miracle, shout louder! If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, shout louder! But, whatever you do, don’t be quiet. Fill your life with praise to The Most High. It will drown out the negativity around you.
All they can do is try…
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing my voice when I call to You. My enemies can try to stop me, but they cannot stop the blessings You have for me. I will shout louder to You as I claim every precious promise You given me in Your word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”