Off The Chain

Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained.
— 2 TIMOTHY 2:8 - 9 (NIV)

My daughter had a bad experience the other day at the school’s rehearsal. She explained how nothing seemed to be going her way. The microphones weren’t working properly. Their routine needed touching up and no one wanted to practice. The song she had a solo in was threatened to be cut from the show. It was just not a good time for her. I reassured her that everyone has bad days and that life is full of them. I explained to her the lesson is not in what’s happening during her bad day, but how she handles the bad day. I told her to pray and remember that Christ gives you the strength to get through bad days to see better days. Just hold on.

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I’m sure you too have experienced bad times. You may be experiencing some right now. During these bad times you may feel defeated, useless, depressed or see no way of breaking out of your mental chains. When you feel chained and imprisoned by your situation, remember, God’s word is not chained. God’s word is still true and will accomplish what He sent it to do in your life. God’s word doesn’t change. When you’re faced with impossible obstacles, you’re still more than a conqueror. When you’re feeling weak, you’re still capable of doing all things because Christ strengthens you. When the bad times get really rough, Jesus will still make them work out for your good. God’s word is off the chain! It doesn’t conform to your situation. It changes your situation.

Break every chain today


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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your strength, wisdom and power to get through any bad day I have. Your word has freed me from my mental chains of bondage. Because Your word is not chained, I am free and can look forward to better days. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer