“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
The other day my wife and me couldn’t make it to the track for our regular evening run. We were short on time so we decided to walk around the neighborhood instead. During our walk, we decided to use the walking path that surrounds a nearby playground. During one of our laps, a small, little girl ran ahead of her mother to get to the playground. In order to get there, she had to cross in front of us. The little girl stopped ahead of us, waved, and said, “Hi!” in the smallest voice. We said hello back to her and as we passed by she said, “Have a nice day!”
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She hadn’t been taught yet that color makes us different. She hadn’t been exposed to the ideology to fear what she does not understand. She was completely innocent. Free and fearless. So, if this mindset were not birthed into you and me as children, where’d it come from? I’m glad you asked. Fear of any kind comes from Satan. He doesn’t want you to love your neighbor as yourself. He doesn’t want you to lay down your life for another. He’d rather you not know of the power, love, and sound mind God has blessed you with. As long as he can keep you in fear, you’ll never reach your full potential. And he knows this. This week, kick fear in the butt! Love without boundaries. Live without hate. Leap without fear. Accept the gift of life Christ has given you and not the gift of fear Satan wants you to have.
No fear
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“Heavenly Father, You did not give me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Today, I choose not to harbor any fear, but to live my best life that You’ve given me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”