“But He knows every detail of what is happening to me; and when He has examined me, He will pronounce me completely innocent—as pure as solid gold! I have stayed in God’s paths, following His steps. I have not turned aside.”
God knows every detail of what is happening in your life. He sees your good times and not so good times. He hears your laughter as well as your cries. Even when you don’t think He hears your prayers, have faith that He does, but also remember that our time is not the same as His time.
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When God decides to examine you, believe it’s a good thing. It may not always feel good, but don’t turn aside, because He taking you to the next level in your life. God will not give you more than you can bear and He’s with you every step of the way. Stay on the path God has predestined for you. Obstacles, stress and impatience are only there to distract you from what Jesus is trying to do through you and bring you to. All precious materials have to be tested before achieving their full value. Be found innocent and faithful during your test and appear as pure, solid gold on the other side.
God hears you
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“Heavenly Father, You know every detail of what is happening in my life. Thank You for examining me and pronouncing me completely innocent as pure, solid gold. I will stay on Your path, following Your steps, and will not turn aside. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”