Sneak Preview

See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.
— ISAIAH 42:9 (NIV)

My daughter is a huge fan of a movie called, “How To Train Your Dragon.” She has all the chapter books, seen every Netflix episode and seen both movies. We took her to see a sneak preview of the third movie before it’s officially released in theaters. Before we went, she had an idea of how events of the movie would take place because she read up on fan pages, searched for spoilers and knew how the last two movies ended. She knew what to expect before we watched the movie.

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As God’s child, He’s given you a sneak preview of what’s to come through His word. With this knowledge, you don’t have to be afraid or worry about what’s happening around you. You know that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but that the Lord will deliver you from them all. You know that trouble will only last for a night, because your joy is coming in the morning. God is doing new things in your life and He’s already announced them to you in His word. If you want to know what’s going to happen in the next scene, call on Jesus to give you a sneak preview.

Spoiler alert… You’re blessed!


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Heavenly Father, thank You for declaring new things in my life and announcing them to me before they happen. In Your word, I am blessed, healed, delivered and at peace. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer