“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.”
So many times we let feelings and emotions get in the way of thinking rationally and godly. We end life-long relationships with family and friends based on misunderstandings or we hold grudges against people who don’t even know we’re mad at them - let alone why. Nine times out of ten, these situations can be remedied by talking to the person who we felt wronged us.
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If you feel someone has wronged you, sinned against you or treated you unfairly, go to them, alone, and ask them, “Can we talk for a minute?” What good does it do for you to have a list of people you have to remember not to talk to or go out of your way to avoid? None. Remember, the body of Christ is connected. Your blessing or breakthrough could very well be in the relationship you severed over something insignificant. And this talk you should have, do it one on one. There’s no need for an audience, to repost it or tell the world. As long as you, your brother or sister, and Christ are present, that’s enough. You’ll feel much better after you two talk and you’ve gained your family member or friend back. Try it today.
Love conquers all
“Heavenly Father, I know that holding grudges or not talking to my brother or sister is not of You. I will talk to them, alone, and tell them how I feel in order to gain a loved one. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”