The Fire Inside

But if I say, ‘I will not mention His word or speak anymore in His name,’ His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.

Our Live Life subscribers outside of the mid-west aren’t experiencing the frigid coldness we are. On my commute into work, the temperature gage in my vehicle read -18 degrees. Ridiculous. The human body is amazing! God created with many self-defending features. To fight off infection, we get high temperatures. If we get cut, blood clots to seal off the wound. If it gets cold, our body’s shiver to create heat from the inside. But when we don’t protect ourselves in extreme weather, our body’s aren’t able to shiver. We then can get frostbite or suffer from hypothermia.

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Just as you have to protect the outside of your body from extreme circumstances, you have to protect your spirit as well. How? Well, you put on full length coats, scarfs, hats, boots and gloves to protect you from the elements outside and you have to put on the full armor of God to protect your spirit from the elements outside. Fill your spirit with the fire of God’s word so that when the cold elements of hate, jealousy, division, lust or envy try to attack the furnace inside you will kick on and cause your body to shiver and shake them off. Let the words of Christ in your heart radiate throughout your soul and speak in His name casting off all evil that surrounds you. Feed the fire inside you to be prepared for the elements that attack the outside of you.

Make it hot


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Heavenly Father, You are forgiving and good. Thank You for abounding in love and freely giving Your love when I call Your name. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer