“It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.”
Do you know any people who seem to love drama? Like, they look forward to drama and if none exists, they try to create it? They live to start mess or keep up existing mess. They aren’t happy until someone else’s life is more miserable than theirs so they can feel better about themselves. Even on a good day, it’s always something with them!
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When you see these kind of people, let them be! Don’t join in and add unnecessary drama to your life. Lord knows you already have enough going on. Avoid this sort of activity at all cost. You’re not missing out on anything by doing so. What’s the worst that can happen? You add less drama to your life and sleep better at night? (Yep!) Besides, God has better things for your time. And if you waste your time quarreling with fools instead of avoiding strife, you may miss what God’s trying to tell you.
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“Heavenly Father, I will avoid strife and not be quick to quarrel. It is not of You to keep up mess or participate in drama. Instead, I will focus on Your will and Your way. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”