The Ultimate Resource

Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

As humans, we make plenty mistakes in life – big and small. Mistakes are birthed by misguided or wrong actions or judgments on our part. Even if we receive bad advice that causes the mistake, we can only hold ourselves accountable for accepting it and not doing the research beforehand. There’s nothing new under the sun we can’t find an answer to, right? We have books, we have Google, we have Alexa, we have Siri, Wikipedia… (Noticed anything wrong with this list yet?)

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Mistakes will happen. That’s just part of life. But I suggest we’d make less mistakes in life if we went to God first about things we didn’t know. Now, it is written that God will work everything out for our good, but there are some things we put ourselves through that we probably wouldn’t need worked out if we would have called God first. When problems arise in life, indecisiveness or we need advice, call God, The Ultimate Resource, and let Him direct the next move. He knows the right people to put in our lives and can provide every resource we need. Don’t let God be the second or third choice. Make Him the first choice to answer and tell us great and unsearchable things we do not know.

The Great I Am


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Heavenly Father, I choose today to call You first and I have faith that You will answer me and tell me great and unsearchable things I do not know. You are the Great I Am – The Ultimate Resource in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer