Don't Kill The Messenger

The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.

Have you ever had something on your mind that you had been pondering for a long time? I mean, this thing had just been nagging at you and nagging at you. Throughout your day, everything you saw or heard reminds you of it over and over and everywhere you turn. Then, when you least expect it, you sit down with someone at work you normally don’t talk to or a friend calls you haven’t heard from in a while and they too have had the same exact thing on their mind and then together you talk it out and the solution to your nagging thing is revealed! Well my friend, that’s no coincidence.

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God has a funny way of using people you normally wouldn’t listen to. These people have not had the best of luck, their shortcomings and sins have been exposed for everyone’s viewing and you just wouldn’t think they had anything of value to add to your life, but God can use anyone to pass His godly message to you. And if the message sounds like God’s word, don’t kill the messenger. Listen. God can use any vessel to deliver your blessing. He can use your friend, your enemy, your cousin, whoever! Just remember, if the message is of God, it will sound like God and God sounds like His Word.

He can use anybody


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Heavenly Father, thank You for Your messages of love You send to me through people. I know Your Word and I have Your Spirit. I will receive what You have for me no matter the vessel. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer