“Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.”
One thing I notice at sporting events is that total strangers are able to get along if they are fans of the same team. When the game winning three pointer is hit, you may turn and give the fan behind you a celebratory high five. Never met the guy. You just know you’re both happy about what just happened. When the ball is fumbled and the other team scores you may join with the group in front of you in sorrow and disbelief. Didn’t ride to the game with this group. You just know you all share the same grief. If a game can bring total strangers together, why can’t prayer?
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We all come from different households, different walks of life, different professions, races, cultures or sexes, but supporting the same sports team joins us together by a common thread. Shouldn’t having the same God join us together? The time is now that we set aside our differences without anger or disputing. The time is now that everyone everywhere prays, lifting up holy hands to our God. Our world needs it. The body of Christ needs it. Our communities and households need it. Wherever there is unity, that’s where God’s blessings are. Let’s unify in prayer, hear from our God and heal our land. The time is now.
Let us pray…
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“Heavenly Father, I will join with my brothers and sisters everywhere and pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. Speak to us, Lord. Give us Your holy word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”