“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.”
We were created perfect, but not to be perfect. We are the workmanship of God and He makes no mistakes, but we sure do. God knew that we would fall short of His glory. He knew that there would be days – or more – that we would cling to our fleshy desires instead of our godly spirits. This is why He gave us His only Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice to die for the sins of the world.
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Jesus didn’t come to condemn you, but to save you. Therefore, when you sin, turn to the Righteous One to get right with God the Father. Jesus isn’t here to rub your nose in the mistake you’ve made. He isn’t here to bring it back up a month later to remind you how wretched you are. Jesus is your advocate. He’s on your side and wants to pull you back onto His side. Whatever sin you have committed, however you have fallen short or the mistake you made, confess it to the Righteous One today and get back on track. Don’t stay where you’re at, drowning in your sin, depression or guilt. Instead, stay with your advocate and get closer to God. Get out of your mess, sin less, and live blessed.
You have an Advocate
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“Heavenly Father, I’m not perfect, but I am perfect in Your hands. Forgive me for my sin, Lord. I choose to grow closer to You and move further from my life of sin through Your Word and Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”