“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children...”
This past Sunday at church, I sat behind a family who had a small child. He was staring at me as his father held him. I smiled at the beautiful, baby boy and to my amazement, he smiled back. I then quickly turned my smile into a sad face and his smile vanished too. I dodged my head behind his father’s head to the right. The child veered around his dad’s head to find my face. When his eyes met mine, I quickly moved to the other side and yes! He followed me there too. I chuckled silently and guess what? Well, he laughed loudly in the middle of church service, but you see my point. : )
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Children are notorious for following the example we provide. That’s why Paul tells us to follow God’s example as dearly loved children. Children possess an innocent trust that allows them to blindly follow our example. They don’t ask how, what, where or why. If we lovingly extend our hand, they will take it and go wherever we lead. Today, God is extending is loving hand and we need to take it and follow wherever He goes. When He says trust Him, we need to trust Him. Who He says love, we need to love. How He says to forgive, we need to forgive. Blindly follow where Christ is trying to lead us in faith. Know that we are safe in His hand and covered by His blood. Remember, we are His children and He loves us as so.
Take His hand
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“Heavenly Father, I am Your child and I will follow in the example of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Wherever You lead me, Lord, I will follow. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”