Don't Go Back

But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?

You’ve come so far. You’ve accomplished what others said couldn’t be done. You’re better than you were yesterday. You’ve set goals that you’ve reached and met challenges head on. You’ve pushed through adversities and pushed passed your adversaries. You’ve done all this by relying on God’s power and now that you have there’s no reason for you to go back.

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Don’t go back to the weak and miserable forces that used to enslave you. You’re done with the former you. Now that you know what you are capable of in Christ, find out what’s beyond the next horizon. Don’t look at wherever you are today as a small feat, but realize that God always has more out there for you. Reach for the sky. Be better than you were yesterday. But whatever you do, don’t go back. You’ve been there and done that. It’s time to do something new.

A new you is close


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Heavenly Father, I know You and my abilities are known by You. I’m not turning back to those weak and miserable forces that once enslaved me. I’m going to push and press toward the mark! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer