“The LORD is with me; He is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies.”
I pray the plans you’ve set for the new year are well underway and going well! I hope you’re already moving closer and closer to achieving every goal you’ve set and things are progressing. I want things to go your way my friend. When you’re blessed, I’m blessed. However, there will be others who aren’t very good at well-wishing. There are some that want to see you fail and miserable. If you have no experience with these sort of people, God bless you! But I hate to tell you… They’re coming!
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The enemy will come to steal, kill and destroy. It’s his job. But you don’t have to fear what your enemy can do because the Lord is with you and He is your helper. When the enemy comes to throw you off course, to tell you that you’ve set the bar too high, you can’t do it, you can’t make it, you can look in triumph over the devil and whoever he sends your way. Don’t become distracted by their tactics when they come. Don’t stoop to their level. Say “God bless you” and keep moving toward your destiny. Continue living your best life and not the life your enemy wants for you.
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for being with me always and never leaving me. You are an awesome helper. I have no fear what my enemy can do. And when they come, I will look in triumph on them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”