“This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.”
There are a plethora of life lessons we can learn while reading the bible. One important thing we should remember is to apply what we learn to our own lives and not consider them mandates for others. “I wish my cousin would’ve heard that sermon!” “My wife should read this!” No. The message God allows us to hear is for us to live out and be witnesses to others and what better way to be His witness than to show love the way God shows love!
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God showed His love by sacrificing something that meant everything to Him – His Son, Jesus. How do you show love to the people in your life? What have you sacrificed to Christ to show Him love? Have you taken time to spend with Him in prayer? Have you sacrificed and reduced the amount of salt you eat so you can live a healthier and longer life with your loved ones? Do you recycle to show God you love the world He gave you? There are many ways you can show love and be an example for others to witness. And you don’t have to wait for someone to show love… You can lead the way.
Love like God
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for showing me how to show love. I also want to thank You for showing me Your love by sending the world Your only Son so that I might live through Him. And now, I will show love like You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”