“Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, ‘You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?’”
When reading my bible, I have to remind myself of its relevance today. I read about Jesus walking the earth, healing the lame and returning sight to the blind. I read about Him restoring health to the woman with the issue of blood and feeding a multitude of people with four fish and five loaves of bread and think, “Wouldn’t it be great to witness, firsthand, the miracles of Christ?”
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That’s when I remember the bible is a living book. It’s relevant to the world today because Jesus is still in the miracle business, but instead of walking the streets of your neighborhood performing miracles, He’s entrusted you and me, as His ambassadors, to be the miracles. You may not be able to feed five thousand, but you can feed a family of five. You may not be able to dry up a fountain of blood, but you can donate blood to save someone’s life. Your life isn’t about what you don’t have, but what God has put in you to give to others. The miracle you think you’re waiting for or missing in life is already in you. Put your faith to work and perform the impossible!
Greater works will you do…
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“Heavenly Father, You have given me everything I need to do Your will. I am a miracle and I will be a miracle for others. I will put my faith to work and perform the impossible through You! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”