“Now if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory.”
My family is from Detroit. So, that automatically makes us Detroit Pistons fans. It doesn’t matter if we’re losing or winning. It doesn’t matter whose team LeBron is playing for this year. Championship or no championship, we don’t bandwagon - we’re Pistons for life. My brother text me the other day asking if I witnessed the dunk Blake Griffin had over 76er’s Joel Embiid. I didn’t! I missed the game. So I asked, “Did “we” win the game?” My brother responded, “Yes. We beat them! We won the game.”
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My brother doesn’t play in the NBA. I didn’t even watch the game on TV! But because we’re part of the Detroit Piston family, if our team won, we won. We share in the glory of our team’s victory without having to attend one practice, one warm up or play 48 minutes of a game. We’re part of the Piston family. Likewise, Christ went to the cross for you. He died for your sin without you having to endure the pain of the cross. And when He won by defeating death, hell and the grave, you won too! When He rose from the grave with all power, you won too. Why? Because you’re part of Jesus’ family. You’re a child of GOD. A co-heir with Christ. And if you share in His sufferings, you will also share in His glory. Don’t get on the bandwagon by conforming to the world. You’re a joint heir with Christ. You’ve already won the game!
Welcome to the family
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“Heavenly Father, I am part of Your family. I am Your child and co-heir with Christ. I choose to share in Your suffering in order to share also in Your glory. Just as Christ won, I have won too! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”