“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
My wife and I were on our way to Planet Fitness one morning and during our drive, we discussed what we were going to eat for dinner. We both thought a salad would be good and she promised to pick it up later that day. I said, “Thank you!” Did you catch that? I told my wife thank you at 4:30AM for something she promised to do that wouldn’t have a physical impact on me until much later in the day. It didn’t matter what else she did all day, I knew, I believed, when the time came for salad, it’d be there because she promised she’d do it.
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I’m sure someone in your life has promised you something and you believed them. You may not ever know what happened between the time the promise was made and the time it was delivered, but you got it right when you needed it. GOD has made you a promise too and He is not slow in keeping His promises. Whatever He promised you, believe it’s done, and say “Thank you!” Even though the promise may not be physically before you, have faith and walk in that promise today. GOD keeps His promises. Your salad is coming!
Always right on time
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for not being slow in keeping Your promises. I believe everything You have promised me in Your Word to be true and walk faithfully in them today! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”