Believe It's Done

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.

My daughter received her varsity letter for bowling last school year. We talked about getting a jacket for it back then, but she never brought it up again until this week. She said, “I didn’t ask about the jacket again because I knew you were going to get it.” I said, “Is it because you’re spoiled?” She said, “No, I’m not spoiled. I just didn’t worry about the jacket because you always take care of things.”

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My daughter could teach us all a lesson in faith and prayer. When we go to GOD in prayer, we should believe it’s done. Even when we cannot see the answer to our prayer, remember that Jesus always takes care of us. Don’t worry about anything! You’re already blessed and your next blessing is on the way. Tell GOD what you need and thank Him for all He has done. GOD hears our prayers and He hasn’t forgotten them. We only need to have faith and believe it’s already done. (Guess I had better start shopping for a letterman jacket!)

Pray about everything

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Heavenly Father, I’m not going to worry about anything. Instead, I promise to come to you in prayer about everything and make my request to You. I thank You in advance, Lord because I believe it’s already done! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.