“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Has there been days that no one asked you, “How are you doing?” Years when no one remembered your birthday? Have you had to suffer alone? Worry alone? Grieve alone? In these times, the world can make you feel forgotten and worthless, but remember you’re worth everything and more to GOD!
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Make an effort to think past any feelings of worthlessness that the devil is trying to convince you of. Even the enemy knows your worth and that if you ever figured it out, he’d be in trouble! Those times you feel alone or worthless may be times GOD is trying to speak to you and wants no distractions. You are important to Christ and your existence is essential to His plan. The Lord has His eye and hand on you. Learn how to feel His love in moments of despair. Recall your God-given purpose when uncertainty lurks. Jesus will never forget about you, your situation or your need. Want to know why? Because you’re worth it!
You are important…
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for being mindful of me. When I feel forgotten, I will think of Your love me and remember that I am worthy of Your presence and blessings. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”