“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”
If you say you don’t have it, you won’t have it. If you claim to be broke, you will always be broke. Too many times, we speak death, desolation, and despair into our lives. There’s power in the words we use and they have a direct effect on our relationships, health, and even our wealth.
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God wants you to have enough to give to every good cause. He said you would be the lender and not the borrower. How can you be strapped for cash and always without when you’re joint heir with Christ? It must be something missing. Scripture says to bring all the tithes to the storehouse and God would open up a window that would pour out a blessing you would not have room to receive. So, it sounds like when we bless God, He blesses us with enough to bless others. When you follow what Christ asks of you, you’ll have more than enough to give to others. With more than enough, you’ll be able to lend to others and not look for payback. That’s abundant living. That’s the life Christ wants for you.
In your Father’s house…
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“Heavenly Father, I have more than enough to give to every good cause. I am the lender and not the borrower. I will give to those that ask me and not turn away those who want to borrow. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”