I Didn't Hear No Bell

For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.
— PROVERBS 24:16 (NIV)

If you know Van, you know he likes movies. One of my favorite cinematic series are the Rocky movies. (My favorite was Rocky IV.) In Rocky V, Rocky has lost it all. House, money, his health is fading, relationship with his son is failing, and the mentee he took under his wing has betrayed him. At the climax of the movie, his younger, stronger mentee is beating him up pretty good until he has a montage of flashbacks where he hears his old trainer, Micky, tell him “Get up you bum! …Micky loves you.” It gives Rocky the courage and strength to rise to his feet again to face his enemy to say, “I ain’t hear no bell. One more round.”

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You may have gotten beat down by life yesterday. Your family may have turned their backs on you. Your best friend may have betrayed you. Your money could be funny and your health could be as fickled as a Michigan weather forecast, but you know what? I didn’t hear no bell! Your setback is not the end of your story. You still have some fight left in you! You may fall down seven times, but the righteous always rises again. Mend relationships with your family and forgive those that have betrayed you. Money and health comes and goes, but you have nothing to fear. The same power that raised Christ from the grave is in you! So, the next time life tries to knock you down, remember the fight ain’t over, you have getting up power, and you didn’t hear no bell!

One more round

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Heavenly Father, I claim Your resurrection power over my life. Though I may experience hard times in life, I know, through You, I have the power to rise again. I claim the victory over my life today! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer