If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

God has given you and me power, love, and a sound mind. He also has given us dominion over everything and blessed the work of our hands. Furthermore, we have a Jesus who has all power and causes you and me to triumph. So, if there are things going on in our communities that we don’t like, we can’t afford to waste time blaming Trump, the government, or “them” and “they.” As Believers, we have to look to God and ourselves.

In today’s scripture, God tells us that the answer to our problems is in us – His people. He tells us to humble ourselves before Him, pray, and seek His face. He also tells us to turn from our wicked ways. That’s a total of four things God is telling us to do in order to release His blessing. After we do these four things, God said He will hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. This week, join me in committing to do the four things God asked of us so that we may unleash God’s promise over our families, friends, and community.

Are you with me?

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Heavenly Father, I present myself humbly before Your throne. As I pray to You, I commit to seek Your face and turn from my wicked ways. In doing this, You promised You would hear from heaven, forgive my sin, and heal our land. Show Yourself mighty, Lord. Show Yourself strong. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer