“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom also He made the universe.”
Everyone that knows me knows that I like movies. You could call me a self-proclaimed movie buff. In the 1976 movie Taxi Driver, Robert De Niro delivers one of his most iconic lines. While looking into a mirror he rhetorically asks his reflection, “You talking to me? You talking to me?” What many people don’t know is this line, that would become famous and repeated for years to come, was not part of the original script. Something within De Niro – I’m sure based off his years of acting – told him to add this line and take the risk of deviating from the original script.
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GOD is talking to you. He’s talking to you by His Son, Jesus. He wants you to deviate from the original script. You know, the one the world wants you to follow? The one that seems easiest and safest? The one that requires little to no faith? Yep - that one! GOD is talking to you and telling you to do something you haven’t done before. It hasn’t been written before, said before, or done before, but it’s blessed by GOD and it’s for you. You may not realize the iconic impact your actions will have in the kingdom, but just step out on faith. Don’t ignore what GOD is trying to do through you. Listen. He’s talking to you.
Change the script
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for speaking directly to my spirit through Your Son, Jesus Christ. I accept the courage to change the script. Speak to my heart and give me Your Holy Word. I’ll do what You say do. Use me, Lord! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”