“Give praise to the LORD, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done.”
If I said, “GOD is good…” you would naturally respond with, “…All the time.” And then I would follow up by saying, “And all the time…” and you’d complete this famous call-and-respond by saying, “…GOD is good!” This exercise promotes unity among believers and even reminds us of GOD’s goodness, but when was the last time we shared “why” GOD is good?
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In today’s time, we need to proclaim the name of Jesus every chance we get. Some believers have inherited a fear of offending others when mentioning Christ during our daily activities. Why? The world can push legalizing marijuana, but we can’t express the good things Jesus has done? We can talk about how many deer we killed Saturday hunting, but we can’t talk about the awesome message we received at church Sunday? We must give praise to the Lord and proclaim His name publicly for the world to remember our GOD does exist. We must make known to all nations the good things He has done for us. Jesus has given us power to be His witnesses. Let’s not waste that power or allow the world to dictate when, where and to who we tell of the good things our Jesus has done and is doing.
Push the agenda of Jesus
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“Heavenly Father, I will give praises to You and proclaim Your name. I will make known all the good things You have done among all my family, friends, community and everywhere You bless me to go. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”