“He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.”
Yesterday, our church had its annual Family Fall Fest where we provide a safe environment for families to do trick or treating, eat food, receive prayer, and in some cases, receive salvation. This particular time, I decided to put on my full ape mask complete with matching gloves. Since I entered the building completely masked, members of our church had a hard time identifying who I was, but one thing gave me away. My son was following close behind me. Because they saw my son walking with me and following my every step, the mystery was easily solved. “That must be Van under there.”
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Do you walk with Jesus so much that He is easily identified by others? Even when people can’t see GOD, they see you and see Christ? As a believer, the world needs to see Christ and meet Christ through you. “How, Van?” Well, it’s done every day! Your favorite basketball team is identified by others by the shirt you wear. You sing your favorite song at work all day every day. You tell people about the movie you’re planning to see this weekend. People know a lot about you, but do they know you walk with Jesus? Today, purposely identify with Christ so that others can identify with Him.
Jesus Walks
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“Heavenly Father, I choose to walk with You daily. I want to live like You. I want to love like You. I want to forgive like You. Thank You for allowing me to walk with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”