“For, ‘All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.’ And this is the word that was preached to you.”
As children, we heard a lot of things that stuck with us throughout the years. We heard not to cross the street without looking both ways. We heard not to talk to strangers. We heard not to put our feet on Grandma’s couch (that’s for company – we don’t even go in that room). Typically, these things were told to us by someone who loved and cared for us. They invested their knowledge in us to make our lives better. I’m sure those same people told us things that didn’t quite stick or last in our memories forever, but the good investments always last forever.
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You know what else is a good investment? GOD’s word. It’s the truth that can set you free. It’s the investment that can give you life and life abundantly. It’s perfectly fine to have nice clothes, a nice car, a nice home, but don’t forget to invest in your spirit and heart with GOD’s word. His word endures forever and will continue with you throughout your existence. Look both ways; the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Don’t talk to strangers; GOD will never leave you or forsake you. Put your feet down; for GOD so loved the world, He gave His only Son. Make GOD’s word second nature to you. A reflex. A best practice. I promise you’ll see you made a good investment.
The return on investment is unbelievable!
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for investing in me with Your word that endures forever. Thank You for blessing me with material things, needs, and wants. I choose today to invest in my spirit and heart by studying and obeying Your word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”