“When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.”
Unless you’re one of those Super Saints I often hear about, you’ve got some things in your past you’re not overly proud of. If you’re like me, you’ve done some things, said some things or thought about saying/doing some things you ought not have, but thank GOD, for Jesus, when we accept His salvation, we became new creations. Old things are passed away and He makes all things new. The question is, once we have confessed our sin, and Christ has forgiven us, what do people see? The old us or the new us?
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What do they see when they look at you today? Do they see the new creation or the same ol’ you, but the only difference now is you attend church every once in a while? It’s a good feeling to know you have changed and made some adjustments in life for the better, but it’s a great feeling when the people around you notice the change. It gets hard at times to stay the course. I bet there’s some people around you right now that need a good straightening out from you, but that’s not you anymore. Let them see the new you walking with Christ. Let them see your change on the outside that first took place on your inside. Let them see that those demons don’t live within you any longer. You’re not that old creature anymore. Let them see the new creation.
Don’t go back!
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for saving me and removing the demons from me that once possessed me. In You, I am a new creation and old things have passed away. I am forgiven. I’m moving forward. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”