“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.”
When you have it all, you don’t have to boast. When you know who’s you are, you don’t have to tell everyone. People will know who’s you are by how you carry yourself, how you react in different situations or how you consider others before yourself. When you humble yourself before the Lord, you give God the opportunity to esteem you in a way you never could yourself.
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Instead of being concerned with people knowing who’s you are or what you have, make sure God knows. Make sure He knows you are available to Him. Make sure your talents, time, and attention belong to Him and His kingdom agenda. Before you know it, that lift you need in life will be before you. That promotion you’ve been striving for will become your reality. The blessing you didn’t see coming will manifest itself in your life. But first, be humble, and allow God to do the heavy lifting.
Lord, I’m available to You
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“Heavenly Father, I make the decision to humble myself before You. I seek Your approval and direction. Lift me Lord to where You will have me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”