Believe It's Possible

Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’
— MATTHEW 19:26 (NIV)

My son has autism with a cognitive development disorder. He was diagnosed at a very young age. I was informed by the physician of a list of things he’d never do. He’d never perform in a normal classroom setting. He’d never be able to have friends. He’d never show affection. He’d never talk or make eye contact or express himself. It was a lot to hear and take in, but I had to encourage myself that with man things are impossible, but with God all things are possible!

To learn more about autism, click HERE

Today, my son attends high school, has friends, and report cards with only A’s and B’s. (He even has little girls chasing after him!) He’s not only a bowler in the Special Olympics, but will be joining his school’s bowling team this fall. He not only talks to us, but he serves with the Greeters and Hospitality Ministries at our church. I offer this testimony only to say, nothing is impossible for you. Someone may have told you that you couldn’t do it. Yes, you can. Someone may have told you this is it for you. No, it’s not. With people (doctors, friends, family, haters, politicians, etc.) it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Have faith, speak it into existence, do the work, and believe it’s possible.

I am the impossible

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Heavenly Father, I know that nothing is impossible for You and all things are possible with You. I have faith. I will speak it into existence. I will do the work. I believe it’s possible. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer