Transformational Thinking Series: JOY

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
— JAMES 1:2 - 3 (NIV)

(My Fulfillment Hour Class (Sunday School) is revisiting Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. One of our exercises was to find scriptures that provide example of what the Christian mindset should be. Over the course of this week, I will share my findings of a few scriptures that I pray will transform our thinking.)

Your mind determines how you deal with a problem. Some people may use reasoning and logic to deal with an issue while others may allow the universe to determine an unknown, but accepted, outcome without putting forth any purposeful effort of their own. Before the mind makes this determination your thoughts sends it through a process of “Another problem this week?” “Here we go again!” or “I just can’t take this anymore.” This is the area of thinking that needs to be redirected because it ultimately determines how you see and will face problems.

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James tells us to consider it pure joy whenever we face trouble. Why? Because through this testing of our faith, Jesus is helping us produce, and perfect, perseverance. Jesus is like a gym trainer who pushes us to lift that weight one more time above our head because He knows we have it in us and will be better for it. It may burn while lifting it, but the joy of accomplishing it strengthens your muscles and produces the desired results. In your time of facing trouble, Jesus is strengthening your spiritual muscles. He knows you have it in you to get through this problem and sees you on the other side of it better and stronger than you were before. When you face your next problem, control your thoughts and make the choice to count it all joy knowing Jesus has a workout plan to achieve His desired results for your life.

One more… you got this!

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Heavenly Father, I consider it pure joy whenever I face trials of many kinds because I know that You are with me and the testing of my faith produces perseverance. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer