Transformational Thinking Series: FREE

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
— JOHN 8:36 (NIV)

(My Fulfillment Hour Class (Sunday School) is revisiting Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. One of our exercises was to find scriptures that provide example of what the Christian mindset should be. Over the course of this week, I will share my findings of a few scriptures that I pray will transform our thinking.)

What would you do in life if all risk factors didn’t exist? Where would you go if money wasn’t an option? What cause would you donate to if you had a blank check? How would you live if all your dreams could be fulfilled? Last question… What’s stopping you?

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My friend, the only thing stopping you from living out your answers to the questions above are the shackles that have temporarily arrested your thinking. As a believer, Jesus has made you free. You only need to realize it. You are free from mental and physical health issues. You are free from depression and oppression. You are free from debt and stress. You are free from broken heartedness and loneliness. You are free from low self-esteem and fear. You were created to be excellent and do great things. The only thing stopping you is what you’re thinking.

What’s on your mind?

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Heavenly Father, I am free because You have made me free. I am free from any and everything that is not like You or of You. Create in me Your ministry, Lord, and I will do Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer