“But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?””
In Exodus, God revealed Moses’ purpose to him. God told Moses He’d come down to rescue His people from their misery of being enslaved by Pharaoh and He’s sending him to bring His people out of Egypt. Moses was like, “So I’m just supposed to go up in there and say ‘God sent me’ and ‘Let my people go’ and it’s just gonna happen?” (Of course Moses didn’t say it like that, but just bear with me.) God then told Moses, “I’ll be with you.”
When God reveals your purpose to you, He doesn’t see your potential, He sees your success. He sees your success because He’s not sending you alone or unequipped for the job. He’s going with you! Don’t focus on your flaws or what you think you can’t do, but rather focus on the fact that God is with you and has already given you the victory. When God sends you on a mission, you can’t fail. When God blesses you, no one can deny you. And if anyone asks you who do you think you are? Tell them I AM sent you!
Go get it!
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“Heavenly Father, thank You for making me successful in all I do for and with You. I know You are with me and cause me to triumph. I am Your child. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”