Freedom Doesn't Mean Free

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

As believers, God has given us dominion over everything on earth. As if that wasn’t enough, Christ has given us the most powerful force working inside us – His Holy Spirit. Scripture says God made us in His own image and a little lower than the angels. We’re moral free agents with total access to the creator. We’re free, but not free of an assignment.

Jesus gave His life so that you may have life. And in this life, He wants you to serve one another humbly in love. As easy as it may be to look inwardly and look out only for yourself, a greater blessing awaits you when you serve others. As a Christian, your goal is to become more Christ-like. Christ had a job. Christ had family and friends.  But He also had an assignment that He placed above everything else.  He showed the love of God through constantly serving others. He never worried about Himself because He knew God would provide Him with everything He needed. The power, dominion, and freedom God gave you were to help someone realize their power, dominion, and freedom through your loving, humble acts of service.

In His Service

Heavenly Father, I will no longer seek to indulge myself, but rather serve my brother and sister, humbly, in love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer