Not A Word

When He was accused by the chief priests and the elders, He gave no answer. Then Pilate asked Him, ‘Don’t you hear the testimony they are bringing against You?’ But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge—to the great amazement of the governor.
— MATTHEW 27:12 - 14 (NIV)

People are always going to find something to say and someone to talk about. It was true in middle school and it’s still true today. They’re going to tell you what you can’t do. They’re going to tell you what you are. They’re going to ask if you heard what he said about you or what she tried to do to you. But when you know God and know who You are in Jesus, you don’t have to say a word.

Don’t entertain evil. Don’t surround yourself with negative thinking. When you are approached by such spirits, remain silent, and meditate on God’s Word in your heart. Your silence will speak louder than their words. When you know who you are, you no longer worry about what people say against you, but instead, you will be compelled to pray for those who rise against you in judgment. A person that speaks ill of another has to be in a lot of pain themselves and fallen subject to the tricks of the enemy. When you find your enemies are talking negatively against you, remember, you’re in good company. Instead of joining in with them, think to yourself, “What would Jesus do?”

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Heavenly Father, I know when I practice righteousness I will suffer persecution. I don’t have to answer to every negative thing I hear or see because I know who I am in You. I pray evil spirits to leave the hearts of those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer