For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

This week is about to be a great week for you and I! How do I know? Because God is good and He loves both you and I. So all that crap the you went through last week, haters hating, gossipers gossiping, summer colds, stress at home or on the job, go ‘head and dust it off your shoulder and make room in your spirit for God to unleash all kinds of blessings in your life this week that you won’t have room enough to receive!

Whatever you’re going through, God is in it. He’s right smack in the middle of your troubled relationship, the stress of your family’s situations, or the anxiety you’re experiencing on your job. Jesus is in control of that church member that won’t stop talking about you, the co-worker that’s on strike two with you, and whatever is waiting for you in your mailbox. Your trouble is momentary, and with Christ your burdens are light. Know, and believe, that God is setting you up for eternal glory that far outweighs any drama the world can produce!

Look at God

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Heavenly Father, no weapon formed against me will prosper! My light and momentary troubles are achieving for me eternal glory that far outweighs them all! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer