Open A Door

And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
— COLOSSIANS 4:3 - 4 (NIV)

No matter how easy our leaders make leading look, it’s usually not the case. We can easily be led to think they have it all together, no problems at home, or with their bills, spouses, or children, but that’s not always the case either. The fact of the matter is, they too are human, and although they may have been chosen to lead us, that doesn’t mean they don’t need prayer. It means we should pray for them all the more!

Pray for your leaders, spiritual and otherwise, so that God will be able to use them as He purposed. Your prayer can open a door for their message to be heard and carried out. Also, praying for them gives them the additional strength and courage they need to perform tasks Christ has prepared for them that ultimately benefit you. Instead of fussing Sunday about church folk cutting up, not paying tithes, or causing division, your prayer can enable your pastor to focus and proclaim clearly the word God has to change your life. Your prayer can change legislation being passed. Your prayer can change the hearts of those casting votes. You may never know what door the power of your prayer can open until you try. 

Pray for your leader

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Heavenly Father, bless my leader today with the strength and courage to do what You have called them to do. Open a door for their message of You to be heard with power and clarity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer