Look For New Ways

Sing to the LORD a new song, His praise in the assembly of His faithful people.
— PSALM 149:1 (NIV)

When people want to improve their lives, they explore ways they can change and improve what they’re currently doing. To improve their health, they may change eating habits or change how regularly they exercise. To increase their income, they may change jobs or become an entrepreneur. In all things, it’s safe to say, in order to improve what you have or are getting, you have to look for new ways to do what you’re currently doing.

If you want God to open new doors for you, you may have to look for new ways to praise Him. I’m not suggesting you stop praising Him the way you currently are or that there is anything wrong with the way you worship, but I am saying it’s ok to explore new ways to give Christ glory. When you seek new ways to praise God, you invite Him into other areas of your being to bless you. Perhaps you only study before bed, but what if you opened your bible during your breaks at work too? Now, not only are you doing something new to improve your praise, but you may be encouraging those around you as well. Try looking for new ways to praise the Lord today and watch Him open new doors for you tomorrow.

Sing like no one is watching!

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Heavenly Father, I will sing You a new song of praise today. I will seek to improve my praise because You are worthy. Thank You, Lord, for Your many blessings! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer