You've Always Had It

May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
— PSALM 20:4 (NIV)

Ever lose your cell phone and it was in your hand the whole time? Ever look for your purse or wallet and it was on your other shoulder or in the other pocket? If you’re like me, at some point, you’ve looked through coat pockets, car seats, or torn the house apart looking for something you’ve already had in your possession. In life, we kinda do the same thing. We go out of our way to find success and happiness when God has placed it in our hearts all along. We’ve been trained to believe career progression and money are the equations for happiness. We seek gratification instead of gratitude. We believe success equals how big our homes are, not our hearts.  

Jim Carrey once said he wishes everyone could be rich and famous and do everything they’ve dreamed of just to find out that’s not the answer. I like to think he meant the true measurement of success is finding happiness within yourself, not things. In your heart, God has inscribed the key to your true happiness and success. This inscription details the purpose God has for your life. In your purpose, God can give you the desires of your heart because you desire what He desires. In your purpose, you’ll find the happiness you’ve searched for, you’ll find the peace you’ve looked all over for, you’ll be content when you have a lot or nothing at all. You no longer look to your career, possessions, or in people for your happiness because you’ve found it right where God has placed it - in you. And that’s where He’ll make all your plans succeed.

Check your heart

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Heavenly Father, I will seek my purpose in You and live for You. It is then You will give me the desires of my heart and make all my plans succeed. I claim it right now, In Jesus’ name. Amen.
— This is my prayer