Tough Times

But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed His steps; I have kept to His way without turning aside.
— JOB 23:10 - 11 (NIV)

We face many tests and trials throughout life.  As believers, we have to remember God is in control during tough times and is working everything out for our good. He won’t allow us to experience anything more than we can handle.

When you become weary during tough times, ask yourself “What is God trying to bring out of me?” instead of crediting what Satan is trying to do to you. If you find people are constantly getting on your last nerve, perhaps God is working on your patience. If your job is becoming less fulfilling and harder to go to each day, maybe He’s pushing you toward a career change. When Jesus allows you to go through things, it’s because something much better is waiting for you on the other side. Keep your mind on Christ in your tough times and follow in His footsteps. For when you pass your test, you’ll be as good as gold.

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Heavenly Father, You know my mind and You know my spirit. I know when You test me, I will come out as gold. I will follow in Your steps and keep in Your way without turning aside. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— This is my prayer